GCSE English Writing Frames for Language Paper 1 & Paper 2
Grade 7+ Writing frames to help you with all of your GCSE English exams.
You'll find you've got writing frames for English Language Paper 1 and Paper 2 reading comprehension questions, with important key words that exams specially look out for in answers. These will automatically begin to improve your answers.
You'll also got my tried and tested creative writing framework and, a detailed, grade 7+ writing frame for Article writing. This is your 2022 EXAM QUESTION for section B on paper 2, so practice with this is essential!
You also have a Literature essay writing frame, proven to help you move into the higher grade boundaries.
You've also got the Grade 5 - 9 example booklet, full of examples for both reading comprehension sections of both papers 1 and 2. There are also sample answers for both question 5's - creative and transactional writing.
As an added bonus, I've included a helpful P.E.E writing diagram too!
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